Author: vipmagsc
A Local Shop Supporting the Local Community
story by Jordan Pupa | photography provided by Mary’s Flowers If you would have told Patricia Taira years ago that she would end up operating a flower shop, she would have said “no way!” Her career journey has given her experience in retail sales, customer service, and property management, and led her to…
Helping Businesses Be Their Financial Best
story by Lucy Price Tough winters in Pittsburgh, a busy work season, and a long commute brought Tom Fitzsimmons and his wife, Jodi, south. Just before a post busy season vacation to Myrtle Beach, Tom reached out to a recruiter to explore some new options. As it turns out, the recruiter worked with…
SC State Capitol Building
story by Zach Hughes Anytime I take a day trip to Columbia from Florence, it is always by habit that I enter downtown via 277. My favorite reason for taking this route is that it lands you right on Bull Street, which leads you into the middle of Downtown Columbia. The sights and…
Introducing Local Author Gina Heron
as told to Vip Magazine | photography by Collin M. Smith This month, Vip visited Gina Heron, mom of two, Francis Marion graduate, and author of What’s Left Between Us, A Pearl Girls Novel. Her character’s story of heartbreak, sacrifice, and forgiveness leaves readers grasping for more while her ability to describe the Southern roots…
A Story of Hope
story by Bill Curtis There are few things more heartwarming than a kind greeting from an old friend. Sadly, true friends are hard to find these days. Our busy and mobile lifestyles often stand in the way of developing lasting friendships. As a result, we usually settle for becoming excellent acquaintances with…
Setting Boundaries
story by Heather Page | photos by Jonathan Boatwright If driving down Second Loop Road in Florence is somewhere you travel often, it’s easy to catch yourself gazing at the large brick building and Crepe Myrtle decorated landscape that makes up WebsterRogers. The expansive size and neat facade leave an impression in your…
Sweet, Sweet Spring
The Birth of Brunch
story by Jordan Pupa (Brandy Stellingworth of Retrofit Sip-n-Seat pictured. Photo credit: Bryan Edward Creative.) If you check out the hashtag #brunch on Instagram, your feed will likely include a wide array of visually appealing, mouthwatering plates of food. Brunch, which combines breakfast and lunch, has become a driving innovation mostly due to its popularity…
The Power of Podcast
story by Jordan Pupa Have you ever noticed the purple app icon on your iPhone? Perhaps you’ve never accessed it or even noticed it. The Apple Podcasts app allows you to stream over 550,000 shows with over 18.5 million episodes. For those of you who may be unfamiliar, the Dictionary definition of a podcast is…