story by Bryan Holt Helping a person pair an amazing dinner with the perfect bottle of wine is something anyone in the wine industry loves to do. There is a certain sense of pride and fulfillment of the ego that comes with the territory. Planning for a couple of people or even a…
Author: vipmagsc
Everything Spring
Evening Under the Oaks
Benefitting the Darlington County Humane Society The Darlington County Humane Society has cared for homeless pets in the area since 1997. Today, the shelter building is aging, and space is cramped due to the increasing number of abandoned animals brought in each year. In 2018 alone, over 3,000 animals were brought to the…
2019 Pee Dee Youth of the Year – Bryanna Williams
story by Kayla Jebaily From a young age, Bryanna Williams had to learn to depend on herself. Originally from Texas, she was moved to foster care at the age of six. At age nine, she moved to Georgetown, South Carolina, where she bounced around to multiple foster homes for several years. During this…
Committed to Protecting Our Community
submitted by Pee Dee Coalition Pee Dee Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Assault is a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to the reduction of sexual assault, family violence, and child abuse and to the needs of its victims. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month. This April and all year…
A Fresh Look for Spring
When it comes to makeup, this year’s look of choice is BOLD, BOLD, BOLD! Bold lips and even bolder eye makeup ruled the runways. The most colorful effects were created with an eye shadow. There were pops of pigmented neon, magenta, pink, turquoise, yellow and electric blue! Also popular were ultra-glamorous natural makeup…
Seasonal Allergies
story by Donna Tracy, Communication Coordinator, HopeHealth When the world turns yellow, you know allergy season is here. Ironically, the pine pollen that coats cars, lawns, and everything else, is not typically the culprit of the itchy eyes, sneezes, coughs, and general misery that allergy and asthma sufferers endure each spring. However, there…
April TV & Book Suggestions
This month we return to your local network station, ABC, to dive into a new addictive series – Bless This Mess. What’s All The Hype About? Newlyweds Rio and Mike make the decision to change the course of their life together and move from the relentless pace of big city New York to…
Easter Bonnets & Spinach Pie
story by Dough Smith I promise I will get to the spinach pie, but first, I must tell you about the Easter bonnet. Let’s go back about nineteen years. My daughter, Savannah, was one year old and Easter was quickly approaching. On Good Friday, we noticed Savannah didn’t have her Easter outfit. Being…
Staycation Ideas
Just because school is closed for a week doesn’t mean that your kids have to stop learning or get bored. This year make your time off more enjoyable by skipping the stress of packing, airport lines, and road trip meltdowns. You can take a Spring Break Staycation right here in the Pee Dee…