story and photos by Rebecca Giese Growing up, I have always loved dying Easter eggs. I still have no reserve when it comes to decorating eggs, tossing aside the rules – mixing colors, double dipping and throwing the metal egg holder aside to dye the eggs by hand. I love the whimsical and…
Author: vipmagsc
Benefitting the Citizens of Our Community
The Greater Hartsville Chamber of Commerce strives to connect businesses and the community with the resources they need to be successful. This year, our goal has been to provide more opportunities and events for a wider population of the community in the greater Hartsville area. While we continue to stand behind our member…
Weighing In On The Business Of Scales
story by Heather Page Have you ever thought about scales, an instrument or machine used for weighing? Not the scale you use for your morning weigh-in to ensure you haven’t gained that extra unwanted pound. I’m referring to the sort of scales that measure almost every item we use in our daily routines….
The History of Judge John J. Parker
story by Mark W. Buyck, III In the twentieth century, there were four men nominated to the United States Supreme Court who were ultimately rejected by a vote of the United States Senate. I have previously written about Richard Nixon’s 1969 appointment of Clement Haynsworth, a respected justice from Greenville, and the Democrat-controlled…
The Charleston Battery
story by Zach Hughes Within our state, there is no shortage of incredible places to visit. There is however one place that I consider the top of the list and an absolute must, and that would be Charleston, South Carolina. When you visit a place like Charleston, it is hard not…
Congaree National Park – Forest of Champions
story by Zach Hughes There came a time in which men began to discover that the constant progress of civilization and industry would soon consume the last remaining pieces of natural untouched wilderness. Without the protection of those that saw these lands as something worth saving, many of the natural wonders we get…
Cucumber Mint Gimlet
Learning Experiences through Travel with GSSM Students
For three weeks before the second semester begins, students at The South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics (GSSM) participate in a “mini-mester”, or January Interim, where they focus on one elective course. Interim classes are a great way for students to ease into the new year, and the wide variety of…
The 101 on Wine
story by Bryan Holt When you’re walking into a store like Micky Finn’s to purchase a bottle of wine, it can be a little overwhelming. There are times when I want to personally pull my hair out and scream with all the wine selections that are out there; I’m partially responsible for this…
The Shad are Running
The American Shad is a species of anadromous herring-like fish that can be found running up the Great Pee Dee River and Lynches River. It’s historically consumed by locals along the Atlantic coast. Like salmon, shad are born in freshwater, spend their life in saltwater, then travel back to freshwater to spawn. Fisherman…