Turpentine & Strawberries story by Kent Daniels The first major industry of the area was turpentine. Turpentine men from North Carolina and Virginia came down to bleed the “piney wood” and also to cut the pines for cross ties for the railroads. Soon these trees were exhausted and the people of the area…
Category: Home
Summer’s Best: Tomato Pie
story by Doug Smith As I sit outside and gaze at the beautiful stars, I can relax and reflect on the tasks of the day. I’m sitting outside listening to noisy crickets and frogs with no cell phone in hand. It’s beautiful. Today, multiple tasks were completed around the house. It was truly…
Did You Know… with Kent Daniels
Lake City in the Beginning? picture and story by Kent Daniels Lake City, an outstanding agriculture market for a century, first came to be known prior to the Revolution as the crossroads of important highways from two seaport towns – the road from Georgetown to Camden and the road from Charleston to Cheraw….
story and guide by Rebecca Giese Mother’s Day, a day to remind your mom, grandmother and other important women in your life how much you appreciate and love them. Now you can get them flowers or chocolates, but it isn’t Valentines Day. I collected some gift ideas to step up your game…
Rosebuds & New Beginnings
story by Doug Smith This time of year is my absolute favorite. Signs of new beginnings are all around. Flowers and colors are blooming left and right. My favorite new beginning is the rose. Nothing can be more exciting than to see a rose bush come to life. This is the simple pleasure…
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Floral Arranging for Beginners story and photography by Rebecca Giese Since I was little, I have always loved fresh cut flowers and helping my mom arrange a vase. Well, that love has grown into a bit of hobby of mine. I love taking a mix of garden and yard clippings with store-bought stems…
Easter Bonnets & Spinach Pie
story by Dough Smith I promise I will get to the spinach pie, but first, I must tell you about the Easter bonnet. Let’s go back about nineteen years. My daughter, Savannah, was one year old and Easter was quickly approaching. On Good Friday, we noticed Savannah didn’t have her Easter outfit. Being…
Staycation Ideas
Just because school is closed for a week doesn’t mean that your kids have to stop learning or get bored. This year make your time off more enjoyable by skipping the stress of packing, airport lines, and road trip meltdowns. You can take a Spring Break Staycation right here in the Pee Dee…
Fun Ways to Dye Easter Eggs
story and photos by Rebecca Giese Growing up, I have always loved dying Easter eggs. I still have no reserve when it comes to decorating eggs, tossing aside the rules – mixing colors, double dipping and throwing the metal egg holder aside to dye the eggs by hand. I love the whimsical and…
The Most Irish Dish That’s Not
story by Doug Smith Come March, we will hear all about the corned beef and cabbage to be shared on St. Patrick’s day! This dish goes hand-in-hand with the “Kiss me, I’m Irish” shirts and green beer. It’s both delicious and for some, it may even seem like tradition. Upon planning this month’s…