story by Rebecca Giese / photo by Jill Snyder, Mixed Metaphor Photography The other day I was asked, “How do I do it all?” I guess referring to having a retail space, blogging, and design work. Well, the answer is I don’t “do it all.” And if I tried, I would have probably…
Category: Uncategorized
Forty Acre Rock – Kershaw, SC
story by Zach Hughes | photography provided by Zach Hughes and SCDNR One of the things I truly love about traveling in South Carolina is as you travel west from the Pee Dee the landscape slowly changes right before your very eyes. It doesn’t matter which road you take, but with each passing…
Easy Grilling
story by Doug Smith Summer is almost here and you know what that means…It’s time to fire up the grill and plan some fun! Each summer, my daughter plays as the “party planner” and has all of her friends over to swim in our backyard. It’s funny how it starts off, “Hey dad,…
April TV & Book Suggestions
This month we return to your local network station, ABC, to dive into a new addictive series – Bless This Mess. What’s All The Hype About? Newlyweds Rio and Mike make the decision to change the course of their life together and move from the relentless pace of big city New York to…
Did You Know?
Go Red for Women® Fast Facts story provided by the American Heart Association® Did you know… Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in women, claiming the lives of one in three women? Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women, taking more lives than all forms of cancer combined. More than one in…
Serious About Shoes
“Sneak”ing Through Winter
January Book Suggestions
“Have you ever believed that you aren’t good enough? That you’re not thin enough? That you’re unlovable? That you’re a bad mom? Have you ever believed that you deserve to be treated badly? That you’ll never amount to anything? All lies.” The beginning of the year is a great time to…
Medicine with a Heaping’ Dose of Christian Love
Mercy Medicine Free Clinic Celebrates 25 Years! story by John Elwood Owens, MD, JD Throughout the entire world, but particularly in the Western Hemisphere, the approaching end of the calendar year usually means three things to most people: firstly, a Thanksgiving feast with family and friends to reflect on our many blessings from…
Local Political Parties
story by Mark W. Buyck, III In our last couple of articles, we have detailed the origins of the modern Republican Party in South Carolina. The State first broke with the national Democratic Party in the Presidential Election of 1948 when it supported native son Strom Thurmond. Eisenhower and Nixon were both competitive…