Whitney Robertson Talks Fitness
story by Jordan Pupa
Whitney Robertson has been a certified personal trainer for three years and was recently certified in nutrition. She is currently a personal trainer at the Hartsville YMCA.
“My first true love is the gym. That is where I basically spend my whole day, six days a week. I gained a love for fitness about four years ago when I went through my own fitness journey, losing a total of fifty pounds. I’m glad I had that experience because it gives me a chance to really connect with my clients and understand their struggles and fears. I love seeing my clients gain confidence in the gym. I always have ladies that are super excited about gaining some muscle and definition. The gym doesn’t have to be a scary place, and that is one of my main goals as a trainer, to help people feel comfortable.”
Tips & Tricks for Staying on Track This Holiday Season
• Plan Thanksgiving & Christmas dinner as your cheat meal- NOT a cheat day!
• If you can help it, do not keep excess treats in your house.
• Do not keep “trigger foods” in your house. (These are foods where you can’t have just one.)
• Get your workouts in at the beginning of the week so you can enjoy the weekend with family.
• Keep lots of healthy snacks around, such as apples or mixed nuts.
• If you plan on drinking alcohol, try a Vodka Selzer Water instead of sugary beverages.
• Do not go to family get-togethers or parties starving.
• If bringing a dish to share, spring for a healthy dish that you can also eat.
• When eating out, pick healthy dishes that aren’t loaded with cheese, sodium, and fatty dressings. (You can always modify some items on a menu. For example, on a salad, ask for the cheese and dressing on the side.)
• If your traveling out of town, bring your own snacks, sauces, or pre-prepped meals. Give yourself the opportunity to choose a healthier option.
At Home Workouts: (Required equipment: dumbells)
LEG WORKOUT: Repeat Exercise 4 Times
• Squat Thrusters- 10 reps
Accelerate when nearing top of squat, drive dumbbells up off shoulders, and throw weight overhead by extending arms upward. Immediately lower weight by bending arms. As weight descends, bend legs, and catch dumbbells in front of shoulders as knees are bending at approximately 90°.
• Walking Lunges- 20 total reps
Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart and dumbbells at your sides. Step forward with one leg, flexing the knees to drop your hips. Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Your posture should remain upright, and your front knee should stay above the front foot. (Don’t ever let knee go above your front toes.)
• Calf Raises- 20 reps
Standing with heavier set of dumbbells at your sides, raise the backs of your heels off the ground.
• Sumo Dumbbell Squats- 15 reps
Grab a heavy dumbbell and hold an end with each hand at arm’s length in front of your waist. Set your feet about twice your shoulder width apart, your toes turned out slightly. Lower your body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
Quick High Intensity Interval Workout: (no dumbells required)
4 total rounds with minimum rest
• High Knees- 24 total reps
• Squat Jumps- 10 reps
• Jumping Jacks- 20 reps
• 30 second rest
• Mountain Climbers- 20 total reps
• Crunches- 15 reps
• Leg Raises- 15 reps
At Home Workout: (Required Equipment: dumbells)
4 rounds with 30 Second rest in between each set
• Over Head Triceps Extensions- 12 reps
• Bent Over Together Dumbbell Rows- 12 reps
• Alternating Dumbbell Curls- 12 reps
• Lying Chest Press with Dumbbells- 12 reps
• Shoulder Dumbbell Press- 12 reps