Life gets busy. More than ever, today’s professionals struggle to maintain a sense of balance as we juggle careers, family commitments, relationships, hobbies, and more—all while somehow remembering to pick up the dry cleaning on the way home. With so much to do, and limited time to do it, the easiest ball to drop is usually our own health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, those are the very things that allow us to be master multi-taskers in the first place, and when we don’t feel well, all other aspects of our lives tend to suffer.
Dr. Renee Saverance, a chiropractor based in Hartsville, S.C., believes in taking a proactive approach to health and wellness. She’s on a mission to help people throughout the Pee Dee region discover how our bodies can function at their best.
Although most people immediately think of back pain when it comes to chiropractors, the reality is so much more. Spinal health is a main focus of chiropractic, and its effects go far beyond fixing pain.
“The spine has two major functions,” explains Dr. Saverance. “It works to protect the central nervous system, and it serves to keep the body balanced and upright.” That connection to the central nervous system is a key part of our daily lives, as it allows our body and brain to communicate with one another. When vertebrae, the bones that make up the spinal column, become misaligned, our bodies have to work harder to compensate and our central nervous systems become less efficient.
“You may not even realize your spine is out of alignment,” says Dr. Saverance, “but you will more than likely notice some of the resulting side effects…headaches, insomnia, anxiety, depression, joint pain, digestive issues, and chronic fatigue are just some of the many ways in which your body may be telling you that you have a vertebra out of alignment.”
For many people affected by these conditions, chiropractic offers effective, affordable relief. In fact, chiropractic care is covered by most health insurance providers and can often provide an alternative to prescription medication.
“I believe in approaching conditions or pain issues in a non-invasive, non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical way first,” says Dr. Saverance. “I look at the whole body and learn about the many stressors that could cause a misalignment of the spine, whether that’s sitting in a chair all day at work, lifting children with improper technique, or any number of situations that can impact spinal health.
Everyone, and every body, is different. Dr. Saverance’s first conversations with people interested in chiropractic tend to be a collaborative discussion, as she works with them to create a sustainable wellness plan that fits into their lifestyle and helps them reach their goals. She sees a wide variety of patients at Hartsville’s Advanced Wellness Center, ranging in age from newborns to senior citizens.
“A personal wellness plan helps your body work efficiently, which keeps you healthy and active in the long term,” explains Dr. Saverance, “and chiropractic is safe for all ages. There are specific adjustments that you make to accommodate different stages of life—from babies learning to walk to teens playing a sport, moms becoming pregnant to aging adults who want to stay active.”
Time is a valuable resource, especially for busy professionals and people with families to take care of. Dr. Saverance sees chiropractic as an opportunity to give her patients some of that time back, to help them reach their goals without being limited by physical issues, and to ensure they are able to maintain their desired lifestyle well into the future.
“The first step to a healthier life is learning,” she says. “I believe in educating people about how chiropractic fits into their daily lives. It’s important to know about the variety of ways in which you can keep yourself and your family healthy and happy!”